Número de teléfono del Child Support

numero de telefono del child support

Número de teléfono del Child Support El Child Support Enforcement (CSE or IV-D) Program es un esfuerzo conjunto federal y […]

Número de teléfono del Child Support

El Child Support Enforcement (CSE or IV-D) Program es un esfuerzo conjunto federal y estatal para ayudar a las familias a establecer la paternidad (cuando sea necesario), obtener órdenes de pago de la manutención de los hijos y garantizar el cumplimiento de las órdenes judiciales de manutención de los hijos. Uno de los objetivos del Programa de Child Support Enforcement es ayudar a las familias a lograr la autosuficiencia porque el impago de la manutención de los hijos es un factor clave que contribuye al empobrecimiento de los niños.

Consejo rápido
El número de teléfono del Child Support es (800) 332-2733.

Oficina de Ejecución de la Manutención de los Hijos

La Oficina de Ejecución de la Manutención de los Hijos asegura que la manutención (tanto financiera como médica) esté disponible para los niños a través de la localización de los padres, el establecimiento de la paternidad, la identificación de las obligaciones de manutención y el cumplimiento de dichas obligaciones.

Detalles de la agencia

Número de teléfono:


Formularios: Formularios de la Oficina de Ejecución de la Pensión Alimenticia

Número de teléfono del Child Support por estados


Department of Human Resources, Child Support Enforcement Division
50 Ripley Street
PO Box 304000
Montgomery, Alabama 36130-4000
Office: (334) 242-9300
Fax: (334) 242-0606


Child Support Services Division, Department of Revenue
550 West 7th Avenue, Suite 280
Anchorage, Alaska 99501-6699
Office: (907) 269-6900
Fax: (907) 787-3220

Aleutian/Pribilof Islands Association, Inc.
IV-D Director
APIA Tribal Child Support Program
1131 East International Airport Road
Anchorage, Alaska 99518-1408
Office: (907) 276-2700
Fax: (907) 222-9769
Email: [email protected]

Central Council Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
Tribal Child Support Manager
320 West Willoughby Avenue
Suite 300
Juneau, Alaska 99801
Office: (907) 463-7340
Fax: (907) 463-2956
Email: [email protected]


Division of Child Support Services, Arizona Department of Economic Security
PO Box 40458
Phoenix, Arizona 85067-0458
Customer Service: (800) 882-4151
Metro Phoenix/Maricopa County: (602) 252-4045

Navajo Nation
Child Support Program Supervisor
Dept. of Child Support Enforcement
PO Box 7050
Window Rock, Arizona 86515
Office: (928) 871-7194
Fax: (928) 871-7196
Email: [email protected]


Office of Child Support Enforcement, Department of Finance and Administration
PO Box 8133
Little Rock, Arkansas 72203-8133
Office: (501) 682-8398
Fax: (501) 682-8402


Atienden también en español

Dept.of Child Support Services
PO Box 419064, Mail Station – 100
Rancho Cordova, California 95741-9064
Customer Service: 1 (866) 249-0773

For international cases, contact California at [email protected] or (888) 851-6314.

Bear River of the Rohnerville Rancheria (Start-up)
266 Keisner Road
Loleta, California 95551

Yurok Tribe
Yurok Child Support Services
PO Box 45
Eureka, California 95502
Office: (707) 444-0433
Fax: (707) 269-0645
Email: [email protected]


Division of Child Support Services, Department of Human Services
1575 Sherman St., 5th floor
Denver, Colorado 80203-1714
Office: (303) 866-4300
Fax: (303) 866-4360


Department of Social Services, Office of Child Support Services
55 Farmington Avenue
10th Floor
Hartford, Connecticut 06105-3725
Office: (860) 424-4989
Fax: (860) 951-2996
Call Center: (800) 228-5437


Division of Child Support Services, Delaware Health and Social Services
PO Box 11223
Wilmington, Delaware 19850
Office: (302) 395-6500
Fax: (302) 395-6733
Customer Service: (302) 577-7171

District of Columbia

Child Support Services Division, Office of the Attorney General
Judiciary Square
441 Fourth Street NW 550 N
Washington, District of Columbia 20001
Office: (202) 724-2131
Fax: (202) 724-3710
Customer Service: (202) 442-9900


Department of Revenue, Child Support Program
PO Box 8030
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-7016
Office: (850) 717-7000
Fax: (850) 921-0792
Customer Service: (850) 488-5437


Department of Human Services, Division of Child Support Services
2 Peachtree Street, N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Office: (404) 657-1130
Fax: (404) 463-7351


Child Support Enforcement Agency, Department of the Attorney General
601 Kamokila Boulevard, Suite 207
Kapolei, Hawaii 96707
Office: (808) 692-7000
Fax: (808) 692-7134


Bureau of Child Support Services, Department of Health and Welfare
PO Box 83720
Boise, Idaho 83720-0036
Office: (800) 356-9868
Fax: (208) 334-5571

Coeur D’ Alene Tribe
PO Box 408
Plummer, Idaho 83851
Office: (208) 686-5321
Fax: (208) 686-5107
Email: [email protected]

Nez Perce Tribe
Child Support Program Director
Nez Perce Tribal Child Support Program
PO Box 365
Lapwai, Idaho 83540
Office: (208) 843-7362 x 3869
Fax: (208) 843-7388
Email: [email protected]

Shoshone-Bannock Tribes
PO Box 306
Fort Hall, Idaho  83203
Office: (208) 236-1174
Fax: (209) 236-1154
Email: [email protected]  


Division of Child Support Services, Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services
509 S. 6th St.
Springfield, Illinois 62701
Office: (800) 447-4278
Fax: (217) 524-6049


Child Support Bureau, Department of Child Services
402 West Washington Street MS 11
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2739
Office: (317) 233-5437
Fax: (317) 232-4969


Iowa Child Support Recovery Unit
Department of Human Services
400 S.W. 8th Street, Suite H
Des Moines, Iowa 50309-4633
Local Offices: (888) 229-9223

Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa (Meskwaki Nation)
Child Support Services
349 Meskwaki Road
Tama, Iowa 52339
Office: (641) 484-9301
Fax: (641) 484-4978
Email: [email protected]


Child Support Services, Department for Children and Families
PO Box 497
Topeka, Kansas 66601-0497
Office: (888) 757-2445
Fax: (785) 296-8395

Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas
Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas Child Support
Enforcement Program
PO Box 163
Horton, Kansas 66439
Office: (785) 486-2662 ext. 231 or (877) 864-2902
Fax: (785) 486-2919
Email: [email protected]

Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation
Child Support Services Manager
Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation
PO Box 174
11400 158th Road
Mayetta, Kansas 66509
Office: (785) 966-8324
Fax: (785) 966-8377
Email: [email protected]


Child Support Program ,
Department for Income Support, Cabinet for Families and Children
730 Schenkel Lane – PO Box 2150
Frankfort, Kentucky 40602-2150
Office: (502) 564-2285
Fax: (502) 564-5988


Department of Children and Family Services, Child Support Enforcement
PO Box 94065, 627 N. Fourth Street
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802
Office: (225) 342-4780
Fax: (225) 342-7397


Child Support, Division of Support Enforcement & Recovery  (DSER)
11 State House Station, 19 Union Street
Augusta, Maine 04333
Office: (207) 624-4100
Fax: (207) 287-5096

Penobscot Nation
Penobscot Nation
Program Director
Penobscot Nation Child Support Agency
PO Box 446
Old Town, Maine 04468
Office: (207) 817-3165
Fax: (207) 827-9129
Email: [email protected]


Child Support Administration, Department of Human Services
Saratoga State Center
311 West Saratoga Street, Room 301
Baltimore, Maryland 21201-3521
Office: (410) 767-7065
Fax: (410) 333-6264
Customer Service: (800) 332-6347


Child Support Enforcement Division, Department of Revenue
PO Box 7057
Boston, Massachusetts 02204-7057
Office: (800) 332-2733
Fax: (617) 887-7540


Office of Child Support, Department of Health & Human Services
PO Box 30478
Lansing, Michigan 48909-7978
Friend of the Court: (877) 543-2660
Fax: (517) 373-4980

Keweenaw Bay Indian Community
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community Child
Support Agency
16429 Bear Town Road
Baraga, Michigan 49908
Office: (906) 353-4569
Fax: (906) 353-8132
Email: [email protected]


Office of Child Support Enforcement, Department of Human Services
444 Lafayette Road,
PO Box 64946
St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0946
Office: (651) 431-4400
Fax: (651) 431-7517

Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
Sue Frances Robinson, Interim IV-D Director
Leech Lake Child Support Office
PO Box 577
222 2nd Street
Cass Lake, Minnesota 56633
Office: (218) 339-8600
Fax: (218) 339-5641
Email: Sue.Robinson@llojibwe.net

Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe Indian Reservation
Interim Director of Tribal Child Support Enforcement
43408 Oodena Drive
Onamia, Minnesota 56359
Office: (320) 532-7461
Fax: (320) 532-7476
Email: [email protected]

Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians
Red Lake Nation Child Support Program
PO Box 1020
Red Lake, Minnesota 56671
Office: (218) 679-3350
Fax: (218) 679-2390
Email: [email protected]

White Earth Nation
White Earth Nation Child Support Program
PO Box 387
White Earth, Minnesota 56591
Office: (218) 983-3285 x 5762
Fax: (218) 983-3101
Email: [email protected]


Division of Child Support Enforcement, Department of Human Services
PO Box 352
Jackson, Mississippi 39205
Office: (877) 882-4916
Fax: (601) 359-4370


Missouri Department of Social Services
Family Support Services
PO Box 6790
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102-6790
Office: (866) 313-9960
Fax: (573) 751-0507


Child Support, Department of Public Health & Human Services
2401 Colonial Drive, First Floor
PO Box 202943
Helena, Montana 59620-2943
Office: (406) 444-9855
Fax: (406) 444-1370
Toll Free: (800) 346-5437

Blackfeet Nation
Blackfeet Manpower One Stop Center
PO Box 290
Browning, Montana 59417
Office: (406) 338-3802
Fax: (406) 338-3805
Email: [email protected]

Chippewa Cree Tribe
Child Enforcement Project
96 Clinic Road N
Box Elder, Montana 59521
Office: (406) 395-4176
Fax: (406) 395-4956
Email: [email protected]

Confederated Tribes of Salish and Kootenai
Project Manager
PO Box 278
Pablo, Montana 59855
Office: (406) 675-2700 x. 1234
Fax: (406) 675-2775
Email: [email protected]

Fort Belknap Indian Community
Fort Belknap Indian Community Child Support Office
656 Agency Main Street
Harlem, Montana 59526
Office: (406) 353-4230
Fax: (406) 353-4216
Email: [email protected]


Child Support Enforcement, Department of Health and Human Services
PO Box 94728
Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-4728
Office: 1-877-631-9973 Option 2
Fax: (402) 471-7311

Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska
Child Support Enforcement IV-D Director
Winnebago Child Support Enforcement
PO Box 355
Winnebago, Nebraska 68071
Office: (402) 878-2164
Fax: (402) 878-2111
Email: [email protected]


State of Nevada Division of Welfare and Supportive Services
Child Support Enforcement Program
1470 College Parkway
Carson City, Nevada 89706-7924
Office: (775) 684-0705
Fax: (775) 684-0702
Customer Service: (775) 684-7200
Customer Service: (702) 486-1646
Toll Free: (800) 992-0900

New Hampshire

Division of Child Support Services, Department of Health & Human Services
129 Pleasant Street
Concord, New Hampshire 03301-8711
Office: (800) 852-3345 (In-State only)
Office: (603) 271-4427
Fax: (603) 271-4787

New Jersey

Department of Human Services, Office of Child Support Services
PO Box 716
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0716
Call Center: (877)- NJKIDS1 (655-4371)

New Mexico

Child Support Enforcement Division, Department of Human Services
PO Box 25110
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504
Office: (505) 476-7207
Fax: (505) 476-7045
Toll Free: (800) 585-7631

Mescalero Apache Tribe
IV-D Director
Mescalero Tribal IV-D Enforcement Office
PO Box 300
Mescalero, New Mexico 88340
Office: (575) 464-2577
Fax: (575) 464-2599
Email: [email protected]

Navajo Nation
Child Support Program Supervisor
Dept. of Child Support Enforcement
PO Box 7050
Window Rock, Arizona 86515
Office: (928) 871-7194
Fax: (928) 871-7196
Email: [email protected]

Pueblo of Zuni

Zuni Child Support Program
PO Box 339
Zuni, New Mexico 87327-0339
Office: (505) 782-7043
Fax: (505) 782-7219
Email: [email protected]

New York

New York State, Division of Child Support Enforcement
40 North Pearl Street, 13th Floor
Albany, New York 12243-0001
Child Support Helpline: (888) 208-4485

Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
Child Support Enforcement Unit Administrator
Child Support Enforcement Unit
545 State Route 37
Hogansburg, New York 13655

North Carolina

Child Support Services, Department of Health and Human Services
PO Box 20800
Raleigh, North Carolina 27619-0800
Office: (919) 855-4755
Fax: (919) 715-8174
Customer Service Center: (800) 992-9457

Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
PO Box 427
Cherokee, North Carolina 28719
Office: (828) 497-4317
Fax: (828) 497-5736
Email: [email protected]

North Dakota

Child Support Enforcement Program, Department of Human Services
PO Box 7190
Bismarck, North Dakota 58507-7190
Office: (701) 328-5440
Fax: (701) 328-5425
Toll Free: (800) 231-4255
TTY Text: (800) 366-6888
TTY Voice: (800) 366-6889

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
IV-D Child Support Enforcement Director
PO Box 827
Fort Yates, North Dakota 58538
Office: (701) 854-3783
Fax: (701) 854-3788
Email: [email protected]

Three Affiliated Tribes
IV-D Administrator
Division of Child Support Enforcement
MHA Complex
22 Minne-Tohe Drive
New Town, North Dakota 58763
Office: (701) 627-2860
Fax: (701) 627-3963
Email: [email protected]


Office of Child Support Enforcement, Department of Human Services and Job and Family Services
30 East Broad Street, 31 st Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215-3414
Customer Service: (800) 686-1556
Fax: (614) 752-9760


Child Support Services, Oklahoma Department of Human Services
PO Box 248822
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73124
OKC Metro: (405) 522-2273
Toll Free: (800) 522-2922

Cherokee Nation
Kara Pasqua, Director
Office of Child Support Services
PO Box 557
Tahlequah, Oklahoma 74465
Office: (918) 453-5444
Email: [email protected]

Chickasaw Nation
Office of Child Support Services
PO Box 1809
Ada, Oklahoma 74821
Office: (580) 436-3419
Toll Free: (866) 431-3419
Fax: (580) 436-3460
Email Inquiries: [email protected]

Comanche Nation of Oklahoma
Child Support Services
PO Box 1647
Lawton, Oklahoma 73502
Office: (580) 357-3699
Fax: (580) 357-7633
Email: [email protected]

Delaware Tribe of Indians 
Aimee Turner
Director, Child Support Services
5110 Tuxedo Boulevard
Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74006
Office: (620) 879-2189
Email: [email protected]

Kaw Nation
Kaw Nation Child Support Services
PO Box 668
Ponca City, Oklahoma 74601
Office: (580) 765-9952
Fax: (580) 765-9964
Email: [email protected]

Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma

Martine Mahtapene, Director
Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma
Tribal Child Support Program
Office: (405) 964-2693
Fax: (405) 964-2696
Email: Martine[email protected]

Modoc Nation
IV-D Director
PO Box 1110
21 N. Eight Tribes Trail
Miami, Oklahoma 74354
Office: (918) 325-2054
Email: [email protected]

Muscogee (Creek) Nation
Office of Child Support Enforcement
PO Box 100
Okmulgee, Oklahoma 74447
Office: (918) 295-0800
Fax: (918) 295-0880

Osage Nation
Osage Nation Child Support Services
255 Senior Drive
PO Box 1299
Pawhuska, Oklahoma 74056
Office: (918) 287-5575
Fax: (918) 287-5577
Email: [email protected]

Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma
Child Support Services
PO Box 1991 – 20 Eagle Drive
Ponca City, Oklahoma 74601-8310
Office: (580) 765-2822
Fax: (580) 762-6868
Email: [email protected]


Division of Child Support, Oregon Department of Justice
1162 Court Street N.E.
Salem, Oregon 97301
Office: (503) 947-4388
Fax: (503) 947-2578
Toll Free: (800) 850-0288

Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
Child Support Enforcement Interim Program Manager
CTUIR Department of Justice Office of Child
Support Enforcement
46411 Timine Way
Pendleton, Oregon 97801-0638
Office: (541) 429-7328
Email: [email protected]

Klamath Tribes
Program Manager
Child Support Enforcement Office Program
PO Box 1260
116 East Chocktoot Street
Chiloquin, Oregon 97624
Office: (541) 783-3020
Fax: (541) 783-7522
Email: [email protected]


Child Support Program, Bureau of Child Support Enforcement ,
Department of Human Services
PO Box 8018
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105-8018
Office: (800) 932-0211
Fax: (717) 787-9706

Rhode Island

Office of Child Support Services, Department of Human Services
77 Dorrance Street
Providence, Rhode Island 02903
Office: (401) 458-4400
Fax: (401) 458-4465

South Carolina

Integrated Child Support Services, Department of Social Services
PO Box 1469
Columbia, South Carolina 29202-1469
Office: (803) 898-9210
Fax: (803) 898-9201
Customer Service: (800) 768-5858

South Dakota

Division of Child Support, Department of Social Services
700 Governor’s Drive
Pierre, South Dakota 57501-2291
Office: (605) 773-3641
Fax: (605) 773-7295

Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate
Diana Canku, Director
Office of Child Support Enforcement
PO Box 808
Agency Village, South Dakota 57262
Office: (605) 698-7131
Toll Free: (866) PAPOOSE (7276673)
Fax: (605) 698-7170
Email: [email protected]


Child Support Division, Department of Human Services
15th Floor, Citizens Plaza Building, 400 Deaderick Street
Nashville, Tennessee 37243-1403
Office: (615) 313-4880
Fax: (615) 532-2791


Child Support Division, Office of the Attorney General
PO Box 12017
Austin, Texas 78711-2017
Office: (800) 252-8014
Fax: (512) 460-6628

Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas
571 State Park Road
Livingston, Texas 77351
Office: (936) 563-1331
Email: [email protected]


Child Support Services, Department of Human Services ,
Office of Recovery Services
PO Box 45033
Salt Lake, Utah 84145-0033
Office: (801) 536-8500
Fax: (801) 536-8636

Navajo Nation
Child Support Program Supervisor
Dept. of Child Support Enforcement
PO Box 7050
Window Rock, Arizona 86515
Office: (928) 871-7194
Fax: (928) 871-7196
Email: [email protected]


Office of Child Support, Department of Children and Families
280 State Drive
Waterbury, Vermont 05671-1060
Customer Service Unit: (800) 786-3214
Fax: (802) 241-6534


Division of Child Support Enforcement, Department of Social Services
801 East Main Street, 12th Floor
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Office: (800) 257-9986
Fax: (804) 726-7476


Division of Child Support, Department of Social & Health Services
PO Box 11520
Tacoma, Washington 98411
Office: (360) 664-5000
Fax: (866) 668-9518

Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation
Child Support Program
PO Box 468
Nespelem, Washington 99155
Office: (509) 634-2743
Fax: (509) 634-2031
Email: [email protected]

Lummi Nation
Lummi Nation Child Support Program
2665 Kwina Road
Bellingham, Washington 98226
Office: (360) 312-2235
Fax: (360) 380-6988
Email: [email protected]

Nooksack Indian Tribe
Ken Levinson, Family Services Director
Office: (360) 306-5090
Fax: (360) 306-5099
Email: [email protected]

Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe
Maria Huynh
Program Manager
Child Support Program
31912 Little Boston Road N.E.
Kingston, Washington 98346
Office: (360) 297-9668
Fax: (360) 297-9666
Email: [email protected]

Puyallup Tribe of Indians
Puyallup Tribe Child Support Program
Trans Pacific Trade Center Building
3700 Pacific Highway East, Suite 214
Fife, Washington 98424-1161
Office: (253) 680-5741
Fax: (253) 680-5767
Email: [email protected]

Quinault Indian Nation
Gina James, Program Manager
Quinault Indian Nation, Child Support Program
PO Box 189
Taholah, Washington 98587
Office: (360) 276-8211 x547
Fax: (360) 276-0008
Email: [email protected]

The Suquamish Tribe
Suquamish Child Support Program
PO Box 498
Suquamish, Washington 98392
Office: (360) 394-8646
Fax: (360) 697-4076
Email: [email protected]

Tulalip Tribes
Roseann Reeves
Tulalip Tribes of Washington Child Support Program
6406 Marine View Drive
Tulalip, Washington 98271
Office: (360) 716-4556
Fax: (360) 716-0309
Email: [email protected]

West Virginia

Bureau for Child Support Enforcement, Department of Health and Human Resources
350 Capitol Street , Room 147
Charleston, West Virginia 25301-3703
Office: (800) 249-3778
Fax: (304) 558-2445


Wisconsin’s Child Support Program
PO Box 7935
Madison, Wisconsin 53707-7935
Office: (608) 266-9909
Fax: (608) 267-2824

Forest County Potawatomi Community
Abbey Dall, Acting Director
FCPC Tribal Child Support Agency
Office: (715) 478-4991
Fax: (715) 478-7331
Email: [email protected]

Ho-Chunk Nation
Ho-Chunk Nation Tribal Child Support Agency
808 Red Iron Road, PO Box 40
Black River Fall, Wisconsin 54615
Office: (715) 284-2622
Fax: (715) 284-9487
Email: [email protected]

Lac Courte Oreilles
Child Support Enforcement Director
Lac Courte Oreilles Tribal Child Support
Enforcement Program
13394 W. Trepania Road
Hayward, Wisconsin 54843
Office: (715) 318-5916
Email: [email protected]

Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians
Interim Director
LDF Tribal Child Support Agency
PO Box 1198
Lac du Flambeau, Wisconsin 54538
Office: (715) 588-4436
Fax: (715) 588-9240
Email: [email protected]

Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin
Menominee Tribal Child Support Agency
PO Box 520
Keshena, Wisconsin 54135
Office: (715) 799-5290
Fax: (715) 799-7074
Email: [email protected]

Oneida Nation
Trina Schuyler, Director
Oneida Nation Child Support Department
PO Box 365
Oneida, Wisconsin 54155
Office: (920) 490-3700
Fax: (920) 490-3820
Email: [email protected]

Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewas
Child Support Services
88385 Pike Road, Highway 13
Bayfield, Wisconsin 54814
Office: (715) 779-3769
Fax: (715) 779-3704
Email: [email protected]

Sokaogon Chippewa Community
Joanne Marvin, Director
Sokaogon Child Support Agency
3051 Sand Lake Road
Crandon, Wisconsin 54520
Office: (715) 478-6442
Fax: (715) 478-5275
Email: [email protected]

Stockbridge-Munsee Community
Child Support Manager
Tribal Child Support Agency
PO Box 70
Bowler, Wisconsin 54416
Office: (715) 793-4043
Fax: (715) 793-4039
Email: [email protected]


Department of Family Services, Child & Home Support Division
Child Support Enforcement
2300 Capitol Avenue
Hathaway Building
5th Floor, Suite C
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
Office: (307) 777-6948
Fax: (307) 777-5588

Eastern Shoshone
Eastern Shoshone Child Support Program
PO Box 1573
Fort Washakie, Wyoming 82514
Office: (307) 335-8371
Fax: (307) 332-3089
Email: rphillips@easternshoshone.org

Northern Arapaho Tribe
Child Support Program
PO Box 1978
Riverton, Wyoming 82501
Office: (307) 855-2899 ext. 266
Fax: (307) 856-4108
Email: [email protected]

Puerto Rico

Administration for Child Support Enforcement
PO Box 70376
San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-8376
Office: (787) 767-1500
Fax: (787) 282-8324

Virgin Islands

U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Justice, Paternity and Child Support Division
8000 Nisky Center, 2nd Floor, Suite 500
St. Thomas, Virgin Islands 00802
Office: (340) 775-3070
Fax: (340) 775-3808

American Samoa

Does not have a program

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Does not have a program


Office of the Attorney General, Child Support Enforcement Division
590 South Marine Corps Drive
Suite 901, ITC Building
Tamuning, Guam 96913
Office: (671) 475-3360
Fax: (671) 475-3203

Federated States of Micronesia

No tiene un programa

Republic of the Marshall Islands

No tiene un programa

Republic of Palau

No tiene un programa

Preguntas frecuentes sobre el Child Support

¿Cuál es el papel de la Oficina Federal de Ejecución de la Pensión Alimentaria?

3 de febrero de 2017

Conozca los servicios que ofrece la Oficina Federal de Ejecución de la Pensión Alimenticia

¿Cómo puedo solicitar los servicios tribales de manutención de los hijos?

Póngase en contacto con su agencia tribal de apoyo a la infancia para solicitar los servicios. (Haga clic en la pregunta para obtener la respuesta)

¿Cómo puedo presentar una queja sobre mi oficina local de manutención?

Cada estado tiene un proceso de reclamación formal para tratar los problemas de servicio al cliente (Haga clic en la pregunta para obtener la respuesta)

¿Cómo puedo acceder a la información sobre el pago de mi cuenta de manutención?

Su organismo local de ayuda a la infancia tiene toda la información sobre su caso.

¿Cómo puedo ponerme en contacto con mi oficina local de manutención?

El mapa de contactos proporciona información sobre el organismo estatal o tribal de manutención de los hijos

¿Qué hace el programa de manutención de los hijos?

El Manual de manutención de los hijos contiene información detallada sobre el programa

¿Cómo puedo saber si una tribu tiene un programa de manutención de niños?

Para averiguar si una tribu de su zona tiene un programa tribal de manutención de niños, visite el mapa de contactos de la agencia que enumera todos los programas tribales de manutención de niños por estado.

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